Project // Knowledge Sharing and Digital Care Workshop: Like, comment and share: tactics in social media for collectives and social movements #algorithm #digital security #feminisms #privacy On December 12, 2022, Coding Rights promoted the hybrid (online and in-person) course "Like, comment and share: tactics in social... By Joana
Project // Knowledge Sharing and Digital Care Training workshops on digital security #cybersecurity #digital security #internet access #misinformation #privacy Misinformation and hate speech have spread rapidly and steadily in the digital space, posing significant challenges to media literacy of... By Coding Rights
Library Safersisters: Feminist Digital Security Hints in gifs! #cybersecurity #data protection #digital security #feminisms Coding Rights launches a collection of gifs for women and non-binary people to nail tech apps, gadgets and habits On... By Coding Rights
Project // Technologies, Bodies & Territories POLICY HACKING #digital security #Latin America #surveillance We have developed a methodology to facilitate the conception of pilot projects using technologies to defend digital rights in Latin... By Coding Rights
Project // Hacking Patriarchal Violences & Envisioning Feminist Futures HACKING HATE #digital security #feminisms #gender violence #hate speech #sexual and reproductive rights Can creativity hack the hate? This project had the goal to develop methodologies to facilitate a fast production of creative... By Coding Rights
Library Safer nudes! #data protection #digital security #feminisms #privacy Our sexy guide to digital security Your phone buzzes. It could be anything: your family WhatsApp group, your phone company... By Coding Rights
Project // Knowledge Sharing and Digital Care Safersisters: Feminist Digital Security Hints in gifs #consent #cybersecurity #data protection #digital security #feminisms On our cell phone we set dates with our crushes, store our nudes or family photos, have secret conversations, keep... By Coding Rights
Project // Knowledge Sharing and Digital Care safer nudes #consent #digital security #feminisms #sexual and reproductive rights Your phone buzzes. It could be anything: your family WhatsApp group, your phone company spam, but it’s a compelling request:... By Coding Rights
Project // Compartilhando Conhecimentos e Cuidados Digitais Net Of Rights #data protection #digital security #freedom of expression #privacy A Net of Rights? New film links Human Rights and Internet Protocols. Today, 4 March, ARTICLE 19 and Coding Rights... By Coding Rights