Library Imagine: a podcast to weave collective paths of hope for better futures #artificial intelligence #gender violence #LGBTQIA #Monopólio das Big Tech #political violence #speculative futures The first episode features Annette Zimmermann and Timnit Gebru in a conversation about Silicon Valley’s Ideologies Imagine is a podcast... By Joana
Library Distributed Artificial Intelligence? An Interview with Timnit Gebru in Brazil #artificial intelligence #gender violence #misinformation #Monopólio das Big Tech #privacy #speculative futures On June 6th, researcher Timnit Gebru, a global reference for challenging Google's unethical practices in AI system development and founder... By Coding Rights
Library What happened to the “Internet for trust”? Report on the UNESCO Conference* #elections #freedom of expression #gender violence #misinformation #political violence The "Internet for Trust" Conference, organized by UNESCO, addressed the regulation of platforms, an important topic for democracies, lives and... By Coding Rights
Library Coding Rights and APC intervention at the GDC Americas Multistakeholder Consultation #algorithm #artificial intelligence #gender violence #hate speech #internet access #Latin America #misinformation #statements #surveillance Text originally published at APC. This presentation was jointly delivered by Joana Varon (Coding Rights) and Valeria Betancourt (APC) at... By Coding Rights
Library Recommendations on technology-related Violence Against Women (VAW) for the UN #blogpost #cybersecurity #feminisms #freedom of expression #gender violence by Paz Peña e Joana Varon Based on three joint reports delivered to the UN Special Rapporteur on Violence Against Women (list of... By Coding Rights
Project // Hacking Patriarchal Violences & Envisioning Feminist Futures HACKING HATE #digital security #feminisms #gender violence #hate speech #sexual and reproductive rights Can creativity hack the hate? This project had the goal to develop methodologies to facilitate a fast production of creative... By Coding Rights
Library Online harassment: tactics and the tools for fighting back #blogpost #cybersecurity #feminisms #gender violence By Gem Barrett | Boletim Antivigilância n.14 It has been nearly two years since Eron Gjoni, the ex-boyfriend of American game developer Zoë... By Coding Rights
Project // Technologies, Bodies & Territories Oficina Antivigilancia Newsletter #Big Tech monopolies #blogpost #data protection #gender violence #internet access #privacy #smart cities #surveillance Designed and managed by Coding Rights, the Oficina Antivigilancia Newsletter is a biannual thematic online publication that builds a Latin... By Coding Rights