
Workshop: Technopolitics, Human Rights, and Public Policies for the Cities of the Metropolitan Region of Rio de Janeiro

#artificial intelligence #elections #feminisms #hate speech #internet access #justiça sócio-ambiental #misinformation #Monopólio das Big Tech #political violence

On September 3rd, Coding Rights held the Map of Internet Territories workshop with parliamentary candidates from various cities in the State of Rio de Janeiro. It was an opportunity to discuss the challenges of ensuring rights in a world so unequal in technological development. We were also honored by the presence of State Deputy Dani Monteiro, who shared with the candidates aspiring to occupy parliamentary spaces the potential for advocacy within public institutions.

These powerful exchanges took place in the symbolic Casa Tucum, an Indigenous cultural space rich with struggles. The room was filled with candidates committed to discussing technology and rights, eager to reflect on how technopolitical challenges intersect with areas like education, socio-environmental justice, and the fight against political gender violence. Teams from the campaigns of Benny Briolly, Elaine Monteiro, Babu Santana, Fernando Nicholas, Vanderlea Aguiar, Anderson Ribeiro, Rick Azevedo, Clarice Chacon, and Luciana Boiteux were present.

We are honored to witness how the reflections on how global power dynamics impact our territories, municipalities, and states, resonate with those seeking to enter institutional spaces to promote public policies. They are helping to strengthen a collective rights perspective in the use of technology in local public administration.

We extend our gratitude to everyone who attended, and a special thanks to the Heinrich-Böll-Stiftung Foundation for their wonderful partnership! This rich exchange resulted in a document collectively built with the candidates from the workshop, and we can’t wait to share it.